Sale! Swedish 20 Kronor Gold Coin - peninsulahcap Vergrößern

Schwedische 20 Kronen Goldmünze - goldbullionshops

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Fine Weight: 0.259 t/oz (8.06g)

Gross Weight: 8.06g

Fineness: 900.0

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$709.29 pro 1

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Swedish 20 Kronor Gold Coin - goldbullionshops

This is the 20 Kronor gold coin from Sweden with Oskar II and the design issued between 1877 and 1899.
Only 12 million of these coins were produced (compared to the vast quantities of British coins)
and production of Oskar II Swedish Kronors ceased in 1902.

The obverse side of the coin features the younger of Oskar’s
two coin portraits, the year of the coin’s minting,
and the words OSCAR II SVERIGES OCH NORGES KONUNG which, in English,
translates as Oscar II – Sweden and Norway’s King.

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