Sale! 1 Kg Gold Bullion Bars | 99.99% Pure Gold Bars‎ - peninsulahcap View larger

1 Kg Gold Bullion Bars | 99.99% Pure Gold Bars‎ - goldbullionshops

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1 Kg Gold Bullion Bars | 99.99% Pure Gold Bars‎ - buy 1 Kg Gold Bullion Bars


Fine Weight: 32.15 t/oz (1000g)

Gross Weight: 1000g

Fineness: 999.9

Carat: 24ct 

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$89,892.02 per 1 kg

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1 Kg Gold Bullion Bars | 99.99% Pure Gold Bars‎ - buy 1 Kg Gold Bullion Bars

Shop 1 Kilo Gold Bars for Sale

The most attractive aspects of owning gold coins—the majesty of their color, the quality of their production, the heft of tangible wealth in your hand—seem to increase with a 1 Kilo Gold Bar. The feeling goes beyond the sheer volume of the gold bullion bar, which, by weight, is roughly equivalent to 32 one-ounce gold coins. It’s a large number, but not large enough to explain how compelling it is to hold a 1 Kilo Gold Bar. The answer comes down to the gold bar’s outstanding purity and the many reasons to own gold bars.

Why Buy a 1 Kilo Gold Bar?

This 1 Kilo Gold Bar boasts 32.15 ounces (or 1,000 grams) of .999 pure gold and is a fantastic option for long-term holds. In general, gold bars are a convenient form for large gold purchases and help buyers meet their diversification needs. The main advantages of buying gold bars as large as 1 kilo include:

Fast, high-volume diversification: Due to their size and simplicity, gold bars are one of the fastest ways you can build your precious metals portfolio. When time is of the essence, buying gold bars can be your quickest means of achieving large-scale gold ownership.

More ounces of gold, for less: You can typically purchase more ounces of gold for less than if you bought the same amount of gold as individual coins.

Easy storage: The compact size, durability, and portability of gold bars allow for a variety of easy storage options. Gold bars can be stacked or stored side by side, with or without protective packaging.

Purchase Gold Bullion Bars - 1 Kilo Gold Bar - Conveyance and Secure Worldwide Stockpiling

Coronavirus Note: We have accessibility of Kilos. Conveyance to vaults from purifiers is taking from 2 to about a month and a half. You can secure your request today, on the web or via telephone.

What Are 1 Kilo Gold Bars?

1 kilo gold bars are venture grade gold bullion bars weighing precisely 1 kilo or kilogram (1 kg), 1,000 grams or 32.1507 official ounces.

Gold bars (1 kilo) have a fineness or gold substance of somewhere in the range of 0.995% and 0.9999%. 1 kilo gold bars are ordinarily rectangular fit and are either created as cast or printed bars. Since they are made by an assortment of treatment facilities and government mints, the look and feel of a 1 kilo gold bar can fluctuate.

Why Purchase Kilo Gold Bars?

Gold bars (1 kilo) are pursued by the two financial backers adding bullion to speculation portfolios and by store of significant worth purchasers the same. 1 kilo gold bars are quick turning into the most famous bullion bar for high total assets and institutional financial backers in China and Asia.

Gold bars (1 kilo) are helpfully estimated, moderately evaluated, and are progressively notable and fluid in the worldwide marketplace.They by and large are sold for somewhat lower charges than gold bars (1 oz and 10 oz).

The amount Gold is in a 1 Kilo Gold Bar?

1 kilo gold bars have a base immaculateness of 0.995 and are ordinarily 0.999 unadulterated or even 0.9999 unadulterated.

These bars contain precisely 10 official ounces of gold. GoldCore just sells gold bars of perceived and broadly exchanged brands from LBMA supported treatment facilities, for example, Johnson Matthey, Credit Suisse, MKS PAMP, Heraeus and government mints like the Imperial Canadian Mint and Perth Mint. Perth Mint gold bars remain our most well known bullion kilo gold bar.

Instructions to Purchase 1 Kilo Gold Bars in the US from GoldCore

You can purchase gold bars online from GoldCore for conveyance or capacity utilizing the Purchase button or you can call our office to put in your request via telephone.

We convey gold bars and coins completely protected to our American customers all through the US from our store accomplice vaults in Delaware. We offer all significant bullion bar and coin items for conveyance and capacity and you can pay by bank wire, with Mastercard or by check card.

A considerable lot of our U.S. customers select to store their gold bars in completely guaranteed, seaward Secure Stockpiling areas. We work in offering U.S. customers admittance to apportioned and isolated bullion stockpiling in secure non-bank vault accomplices in more secure wards on the planet like Zurich, Hong Kong, London, and Singapore.

Guaranteed conveyance of gold bars to homes or workplaces is likewise famous and numerous customers do both - take conveyance of a part of their gold and own the rest in Secure Capacity.

What Different Sorts of Gold Bullion Items Would it be a good idea for me to Think about Purchasing?

Financial backers purchase gold bars (1 kilo) typically to get lower gold costs per unit. They typically keep them in Secure Capacity and infrequently take conveyance. Financial backers additionally purchase gold bars (10 oz and 1 oz) as an option in contrast to purchasing kilo gold bars as they lean toward the detachability and possibly expanded liquidity in a foundational emergency of possessing some more modest bars.

For financial backers contributing on a drawn out premise, we educate a blend concerning gold bar designs, hence considering most possibilities and on normal lower expenses. GoldCore additionally permits customers to trade all through some gold bar designs without cost in specific conditions.

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